HolistiCare Mind Body Consulting
Since 2013 - in El Paso TX
Mental-Emotional Survey
Discover clear causes of mental-emotional distress. The answers are generally used to formulate a homeopathic combination and used in a therapy program.
El Paso United Family
Resiliency Center Program
FREE Alternative Therapy at HolistiCare Mind Body Consulting for those directly or indirectly affected by the Walmart shooting in El Paso, TX.
Contact us about this program.
A simple and brief form has to be filled out and signed by you.
Then we will submit it for you and you will be contacted directly by the program supervisor or coordinator at El Paso United Family Resiliency Center.
Ask me about this.
Encuesta Mental-Emocional
Descubre claras causas de perturbacion mental-emocional. Las respuestas generalmente se utilizan para formular una combinacion homeopatica y en un programa de terapia.
Look into SAFERIDE
SafeRide Health is now supporting the Texas Medicaid population with non-emergency medical transportation services.
Adventist Family Clinic
A nonprofit and charity corporation, provides services at no cost to individuals and families requiring medical care. Must qualify for no-cost medical care.