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​Mindfulness Group Class


$20 / Class

*cash preferred


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membership and SAVE.


Monthly Membership

One membership for both weekly classes.

Simply sign up and show up.

No need to reserve.


Cada LUNES en Espanol

 7:30PM - 8:30PM

Veronica Hinojos

preguntas 915-843-0768


Each TUESDAY in English

7:30PM - 8:30PM

Jose Luis Barron

questions 915-329-1822



This is a monthly membership subscription on auto-pay. 


Subscriptions are not shareable or transferrable.

Cancel your membership anytime.


$50 / Month

Mindfulness Class Trailer 1 minute

Mindfulness Class Trailer 1 minute

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We teach mindfulness meditation techniques and friendly self-development philosophy from different traditions, as well as generic non-denominational practices that help you...

Reduce stress
Manage anxiety
Promote emotional intelligence
Promote emotional health
Enhance self-awareness
Lengthen attention span
Reduce age-related memory loss
Generate kindness
Fight addictive behavior
Improve sleep
Control pain
Stabilize blood pressure
Improve self-confidence
Improve self-esteem
and more...


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NOTICE:  I am not a Medical Doctor.  Suggestions for improved personal wellness and regarding herbs and supplements, all information shared with clients in this website, handed-out reference literature, and in person, and all services offered are part of a life style philosophy of holistic natural wellbeing and are NOT and should NOT be viewed or construed as medical advise.  NEVER stop medical treatment without the authorization of your physician.  ALWAYS consult your medical doctor or physician before beginning a new exercise routine, weight loss regimen or taking herbal, vitamin or any other type of dietary or nutritional supplements.  And always compliment suggestions for natural wellness solutions with your own research, understanding, prudence, self-responsibility and common sense.   Nothing expressed or implied is ever intended to treat, cure or diagnose any medical condition.


By purchasing services and/or supplements either on-line, over the phone or in person you agree that natural, alternative, holistic and complimentary services, supplements and techniques:

Do not treat medical diseases or conditions.
Do not diagnose medical diseases or conditions.
Do not prescribe medications for medical diseases or conditions.
Are only for the purpose of personal development and enhancement.
Are informative, motivational, educational.
Are a personal ministry and/or spiritual guidance in nature in whole or in part.
You fully understand that those assisting  you are not medical doctors.
You are simply seeking to learn about traditional natural means and ways for maintaining the best possible wellness of body, mind and spirit.
You are not seeking services or plan to meet with a practitioner while you are an agent on behalf of any federal, state or local agency or on a mission of entrapment or investigation.
You understand that fees paid for services are non-refundable and that you must take and complete the sessions purchased within 2-3 months from the date of purchase OR you must transfer the sessions to somebody else within said time frame limit of 3 months from date of purchase, otherwise you forfeit remaining sessions and fees paid without exceptions.


Our office location:  HolistiCare MInd Body Consulting, 1201 Airway Blvd, Suite D-7, El Paso, TX 79925, USA.

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